


The container consists of three parts. A half sphere on the top, a cylindrical in the middle and another half sphere on the bottom. The volume of the container must be 1.5 m3. The height of the cylindrical is 1 m. What is the radius of the container?

Let the height of the cylindrical be h, and let the volume and the radius be v and r respectively.

The volume, v, of the container is the sum volume of the cylindrical and the two hemisphere. It can be expressed by

     v = πr2h + 2(3πr3/8) = πr2h + 3πr3/4

Substituting h = 1 m into the above equation gives

     v = πr2 + 3πr3/4

The function v = πr2 + 3πr3/4 is plotted in the diagram on the left. This curve intersects the line v = 1.5 around 0.65. Start Newton's Method to solve the equation v(r) =1.5 with r1 = 0.65 as the starting point. First, calculate the derivative of the volume, v, with respect to the radius, r

     f '(r) = dv/dr

          = d(πr2 + 3πr3/4)/dr

          = d(πr2)/dr + d(3πr3/4)/dr

          = 2πr + 9πr2/4

Newton's Method gives x2 = x1 - f(x1)/ f '(x1). When r1 = 0.65, v and f '(r) can be calculated.

     v1 = πr12 + 3πr13/4 -1.5

       = π(0.65)2 + 3π(0.65)3/4 -1.5

       = 0.474

     f '(r1) = 2πr1 + 9πr12/4

           = 7.071

r2 can be found with Newton's Method as

     r2 = r1 - v1/ f '(r1)

        = 0.65 - 0.14/6.315

        = 0.583

Now use r2 = 0.583 as the starting point for the second iteration.

     v2 = πr22 + 3πr23/4 -1.5

       = π(0.583)2 + 3π(0.585)3/4 -1.5

       = 0.035

     f '(r2) = 2πr2 + 9πr22/4

           = 6.066

r3 can be found as

     r3 = r2 - v2/ f '(r2)

        = 0.583 - 0.035/6.066

        = 0.577 m

More iterations can be processed, however, the result will be closer and closer to 0.577 m. For the vessel to hold 1.5 m3, its radius must be about 0.577 m.