

    Solution of a)

Circular Orbit, ε = 0

The initial velocity required to give the satellite a circular orbit can be found from,

where   g = 32.2 ft/s2
            RE = 3.960 mi = 20.9 x 106 ft
            ro = 10,000 mi = 52.8 x 106 ft


          = 16,300 ft/s

    Solution of b)

Parabolic Orbit, ε =1

The minimum initial velocity required to escape the earth's gravitational pull can be found from:


           = 23.1 x 103 ft/s

    Solution of c)

Elliptical Orbit, 0 < ε < 1


To find the maximum radius, the eccentricity of the orbit must be determined when the initial velocity of the satellite is 20,000 ft/sec.


       = 0.500

Because 0 < ε < 1, the orbit must be elliptical, and thus the maximum radius occurs at apogee.


           = 158 x 106 ft = 29,900 miles

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