
Chapter 5

Rigid Body:
General Motion


Topics Reviewed

  1. Rotation About a Fixed Axis
  2. General Plane Motion: Velocities
  3. Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity
  4. General Plane Motion: Accelerations
  5. Multiple Gears
  6. Rotating Coordinates: Velocities
  7. Rotating Coordinates: Accelerations



The topic menu above allows you to move directly to any of the four sections for each topic. The sections are:

Case Intro: To help introduce and understand the basic principles, a case study is presented.

Theory: This section will review the basic principles and equations that you should know to answer the exam questions. It does not give detailed derivations of the theory.

Case Solution: The case study is solved in detail in this section. Graphics, narrations, animations, and equations are used to help you understand how the problem was solved.

Example: Addition example problem(s).