Motor Driving Two Gears
The motor generates 900 N-m torque (clockwise) which is transmitted to two gears.
Each gear has a different moment load (counter-clockwise) as shown in the diagram.
The shaft radius needs to be determined so that the maximum shear stress
(τ = 275 MPa) is not exceeded. Also,
there is a factor of safety of 2.
The angle of twist can be calculated after the radius of the shaft is specified.
The total twist will be the sum of each part of the shaft since the shaft moment
is not constant from one end to the other.
Internal Moment in the Shaft
Torque Level along the Shaft
The shaft radius needs to be large enough to withstand the largest moment. Thus,
the first step is to identify the internal moment along the length of
the shaft.
The motor and gear moments are only input loads and
not the actual internal shaft moments.
The shaft from the motor to gear A has a constant moment of 900 N-m. However,
from gear A to gear B, the moment in the shaft is reduced to only 400 N-m. Since
there is no resisting moment at the right support, there will be no moment in
the shaft from gear B to the the support. Thus, the largest moment is 900 N-m.
Shaft Radius
The shaft must not exceed the yield stress of 275 MPa, including a factor of
safety of 2.0. The radius can be determined using the torsion shear stress equation,
The maximum stress will be half of 275 due to the factor of safety of 2.0. The
polar moment of inertia, J, is also a function of the radius, J = (π/2)
r4. Substituting,
Solving for r gives,
r = 0.01609 m = 1.609 cm
Angle of Twist
The total angle of twist will be the sum of the rotation of each segment of
the shaft. There are three segments, each with a different moment as given in
the torque diagram above. The total twist angle is
The shear modulus G, is same for all segments. Recall, G can be determined from
E and ν.
G = E/[2(1+ν)]
= 69/[2(1 + 0.33)] = 25.94 GPa
The polar moment of inertia, also the same in all segments, is
J = (π/2) r4
= 1.571 (0.01609)4 = 1.0529× 10-7 m4
Combining, gives
0.08787 radians
Or in degrees,
θtotal =