

Rotating Spool


A spool, G, is hung from a ceiling and a block, B, is attached to its outer surface with a cable as shown. The block weighs 100 N and the spool weighs 60 N. The spool's radius of gyration is 3 cm with respect to its mass center, G. It has outer radius, R, of 4 cm and inner radius, r, of 2 cm. If the system is released from rest in the position shown, what is the acceleration of the mass center G?


Angular Velocity and Acceleration


The equations of motion for the block,
     ΣFy = m aBy
     T2 - 100 = (100/9.81) aBy
     T2 = 100 + 10.19 aBy

The vertical equation of motion for the spool,
     ΣFy = m aGy
     2T1 - T2 = 60 + (60/9.81) aGy 
     2T1 - T2 = 60 + 6.116 aGy 

The angular equation of motion about point G,
     ΣMGz = IGzα
     2T1(0.02) - T2(0.04) = mk2 α
     0.04T1 - 0.04T2 = (60/9.81)(0.03)2 α
     T1 - T2 = 0.1376 α

These three equations have five unknowns, so additional relationships need to be identified. One idea is to use the IC point to relate α and the two linear accelerations, aGy and aB. At the instant given, the spool is pivoting around the point where the ceiling cable is attached to the spool, and thus has zero velocity. Thus,
      aGy = rGα = -0.02 α
      aBy = rBα = 0.02 α

Putting these into the above three equations,
     T2 = 100 + 0.2038 α
     2T1 - T2 = 60 - 0.1223 α 
     T1 - T2 = 0.1376α

Combining into two equations,
     2T1 = 100 + 0.2038 α + 60 - 0.1223 α 
     T1 = 100 + 0.2038 α + 0.1376α

Eliminate T1, gives,
     α = -66.52 rad/s2

Thus, the spool center, G, is accelerating upward,

aGy = 1.330 m/s2

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