Problem Diagram
Jim Knowitall just started a new job washing windows. He decides to spread the two ropes further apart at the top so the platform will be more stable (or so he thinks).
What is known:
- A wind gust causes the platform to swing.
- The ropes rotate at a constant angular velocity of 10°/s counterclockwise.
- The current vertical distance is 20 feet.
- The ropes are 30° off the vertical.
- The platform is initially horizontal and is 6 feet wide.
What is the angular velocity of the platform when the ropes are spread
at 30° to the vertical? Is it safe?
- One approach is to use the relative velocity equation, as was done
in the previous section.
- A second, and sometimes easier approach is to use the concept of "Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity"
- To use the IC method, the velocities of any two points on the body are needed.