

    Reversible Steady-flow Work

One-inlet-one-exit Nozzle


The energy balance for a steady-flow device (nozzle, compressor, turbine and pump) with one inlet and one exit is:


Its differential form is:

      δq - δw = dh + dke + dpe

If the device undergoes an internally reversible process, the heat transfer term δq can be replaced by dh - vdP since

      δqrev = Tds
      Tds = dh - vdP (the second Tds relation)

Then the energy balance becomes

      dh - vdP - δwrev = dh + dke + dpe

By rearranging the above equation, the reversible steady-flow work can be expressed as

      - δwrev = vdP + dke + dpe


Water Flowing through a
Hydraulic Turbine


Integrating it form location 1 to location 2 yields,


The above equation is the relation for the reversible work output associated with an internally reversible process in a steady-flow device. When the changes in kinetic and potential energies are negligible, the relation reduces to


The above equation states that the larger the specific volume, the larger the reversible work produced or consumed by a steady-flow device. To minimize the work input during a compression process, one should keep the specific volume of the working fluid as small as possible. In the same manner, to maximize the work output during an expansion process, one should keep the specific volume of the working fluid as large as possible.


Power Generated by Hydraulic Turbine

One needs to know the relationship between the specific volume v and the pressure P for the given process to perform the integration in the above relation. If an incompressible fluid is used as the working fluid, the specific volume v is a constant. The relation for the reversible work output associated with an internally reversible process in a steady-flow device is simplified to give

      wrev = -v(P2 - P1) - Δke - Δpe

Hydraulic turbines used in hydroelectric power plants run in a steady-flow process with incompressible fluid, i.e., water, as the working fluid.


The Bernoulli Equation

If no work interactions are involved, like nozzle or pipe section, the above equation is reduced to

where V is the velocity of the fluid. This equation is known as the Bernoulli equation in fluid mechanics.

    Reversible Steady-flow Devices produce Most and Consume Least Work

Reversible Turbine Delivers more
Work than Actual Turbine

The steady-flow devices deliver the most and consume the least work when it undergoes a reversible process. Consider two steady-flow devices, one is reversible and the other is irreversible (actual process), operating between the same inlet and exit states. The differential forms for the energy balance of these two devices are

      δqact - δwact = dh + dke + dpe

      δqrev - δwrev = dh + dke + dpe

The right hand sides of these two equations are the same. It gives,

      qact - δwact = qrev - δwrev

Rearranging this equation gives,

      δwrev - δwact = qrev - qact

Since qrev = Tds, the above equation becomes,

      δwrev - δwact = Tds - qact

the increase of entropy principle gives



      δwrev - δwact 0 or δwrev δwact

That is, for the same inlet and exit conditions, when the device undergoes a reversible process, a work-produce device like turbine produces the most work (w is positive), or a work-consuming device like compressor consumes the least work (w is negative).