


This section introduces one of the general techniques of integration, integration by parts.

    Indefinite Integration by Parts

Integration xsinx using
Integration by Parts
(Indefinite Integration)

If function u = u(x) and v = v(x) are differentiable functions, according to the Produce Rule, the differentiation of the product of functions u and v is

      (uv) ' = u 'v + uv '

Rearrange the above equation gives

      uv ' = (uv) ' - u 'v

Integrating both sides (indefinite integrals),


Since v' dx = dv, and u' dx = du, for simple, the formula for integration by parts becomes


    Definite Integration by Parts


Integration xsinx using Integration by Parts (Definite Integration)


Evaluating both sides of the previous equation between a and b, assuming u ' and v ' are continuous, becomes,


If udv is difficult to integrate and vdu is easy, then integration by parts is useful.

The key in using integration by parts is how to choose u and dv. Two things should be considered,

  • v is easy to integrate from dv, and
  • compare with , is easier to integrate.