

    Speed of the Mustang


First, convert the speed of the Mustang to mi/hr (mph) using 1 mi = 5280 ft and 1 hr = 3600 s.

     = 19.77 mph

Next, use 0.3048 m = 1 ft and 1 km = 1000 m to convert to km/hr:

     = 31.82 km/hr

    Speed of the Pinto


Similarly, calculate the speed of the Pinto in mph and km/hr:

     = 22.37 mph

     = 36.00 km/hr

When the speeds of both car models are converted to common units, the Pinto is faster.

Final Results

  Mustang: 29 ft/s = 19.77 mph = 22.37 km/hr
  Pinto: 10 m/s = 22.37 mph = 36.0 km/hr
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