

    Algebraic Solution

Problem Diagram

Problem Position Vectors


The position vector from the Sun to Earth is

     re = re  Ð 0o (counter-clockwise from vertical)

         = 150 × 106 km  Ð 0o

The position vector from the Sun to Mars:

     rm = rm  Ð α

          = 207 × 106 km  Ð 30o

The difference between re and rm is the vector from Earth to Mars. Using the head-to-tail method gives,

     rm = re + rem

This equation can be rearranged to give the unknown position vector rem,

     rem = rm - re
         = 207× 106 km  Ð 30o - 150 × 106 km  Ð 180o

Subtracting the vectors, gives

     rem = 107.56 × 106 km  Ð 74.21o

    Geometric Solution

Problem Distance and Angle

The problem can also be solved using pure geometry. First, define the position vector from Earth to Mars using the equation

     rm = rem  Ð β

Next, form a triangle with the three vectors and use the Law of the Cosine,

     rem = (re2 + rm2 - 2re rm cosα )0.5 

           = 107.56 × 106 km (scalar only, not vector)

Then the internal angle θ, can be determined using the Law of the Sine,

     rem / sinα = rem / sinθ

     θ = sin-1 (rem sinα /rem ) = 105.79o

Finally, the desired angle β is

     β = 180o - θ = 74.21o

The position vector from Earth to Mars is

     rem = 107.56 × 106 km  Ð 74.21o


    This problem could also be solved using standard vector notation with unit vectors, i and j. Vector notation is introduced in the next several sections and is used extensively throughout Statics.
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