


A sensor needs to be installed in a location where the velocity equals the average velocity of the whole cross-sectional area of a blood vessel. Also, the average velocity needs to be determined.


Velocity Function
v(r) = [P / (4μl)] (R2 - r2)

The velocity function v(r) = [P / (4μl)] (R2 - r2) is continuous on the interval [0, R], The mean Value Theorem for Integrals says there is a number Ra in [0, R] such that


Solve for Ra from the above equation gives

      Ra = 0.5774R = 0.5774(0.08 x 10-3)
          = 0.0462 mm  


The average velocity equals the velocity at r = Ra.

      vave = v(0.0462 x 10-3) = P/(4μl)(R2 - Rar2)
            = 400/(4(10 x 10-3)(20 x 10-3))((0.08 x 10-3)2
               - (0.0462 x 10-3))
            = 2.132 mm/s

The average velocity is 2.132 mm/s and the sensor can be installed at 0.0462 mm from the center.