

Mohr's Circle - Strain


Determine what diagram is the correct Mohr's circle for the given strain state.


Mohr's Circle - Strain

The first step in constructing a Mohr's Circle is to locate its center along the normal strain axis (x-direction).

     center = (εx + εy)/2 = (100 + 400)/2 = 250μ

Next, a point on the circle can be plotted,

     (εx, τxy/2) = (400μ, 100μ)
     (εy, -τxy/2) = (100μ, -100μ)

These points are shown on the diagram on the left. Now the radius can be determined,

      R2 = 1002 + (400 - 250)2
      R = 180.3μ = 180.3 × 10-6

The current stress state is represented by a line at an angle of

     θ = tan-1(100/15) = 33.69o

Diagram 3 is the correct representative of Mohr's circle for the given strain state.

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