Problem Diagram
After a particularly long lunch, an employee, in a hurry to return to work, slams his car (Car 1) into his boss's new Mercedes (Car 2), resulting in immediate termination of his employment.
What is known:
- Car 1 weight w1 = 2,500 lb
- Car 2 weight w2 = 3,500 lb
- Car 1 moment of inertia about the CG
I1-cg = 1,164.6 slug-ft2
- Car 2 moment of inertia
I2-cg = 2,101.5 slug-ft2
- Car 1 velocity v1 = 52 mph
- Car 2 velocity v2 = 0 mph
- impact angle α = 45°
- position vectors for Cars' CGs
r1/P = (3sinα - 6cosα)i + (6sinα + 3cosα)j ft
r2/P = -5i - 3j ft
- coefficient of restitution e = 0.2