The resultant force is found by integrating the pressure over the arch surface, S, which means integrating θ from 0 to π and multiplying by the length of the arch.
For the x component:
Integrate or use integral tables to find
Rx = 270 ρg
[a/2 sin2θ - b sinθ]0π
Evaluating the integral for Rx gives
Rx = 0 lb
The y component is
Integrating and evaluating for Ry
Ry = 270ρg [a/2 (-cosθ sinθ + θ) b cosθ]0π
Ry = 270ρg (aπ/2 - 2b) lb
Finally, substitute for the known density, water depth, and arch radius to give
Ry = -436,200 lb = -436 kips
Therefore, in vector form, the resultant force is
R = 0i - 436j + 0k kips |