

    Isentropic Processes

A Reversible and Adiabatic Process is also an Isentropic Process

An Isentropic Process and an Actual Process on a h-s Diagram


The term "isentropic" means constant entropy. A process during which the entropy remains constant is called an isentropic process, which is characterized by

      ΔS = 0 or s1 = s2 for a process 1-2

If a process is both reversible and adiabatic, then it is an isentropic process.

An isentropic process is an idealization of an actual process, and serves as a limiting case for an actual process.

    Isentropic Processes for Ideal Gases

An Isentropic Process of Ideal Gases
on a T-s Diagram


The relations of entropy change for ideal gases are


By setting Δs to 0 in the above equations, the relations for an ideal gas which undergoes an isentropic process can be obtained. Setting equation (1) to zero gives,


Constant Specific Heat Used in
Small Temperature Interval



If the constant-specific-heats assumption is valid, the above equation can be integrated and rearranged to give


      k = specific heat ratio, k = cP/cv and R = cP - cv

The second relation can be obtained by setting equation (2) to zero.


Also, if the constant-specific-heats assumption is valid, the above equation becomes


The third relation can be obtained by combining the first and the second relations. That is,


The three relations of an isentropic process for ideal gases with constant specific heats in compact form are

      Tvk-1 = constant
      TP(1-k)/k = constant
      Pvk = constant


Using Pr Data to Determine
Final Temperature during an
Isentropic Process

Ideal Gas Properties Table -- Air


If the constant-specific-heats assumption is not valid, the entropy change of ideal gases during a process 1-2 is


Setting the above equation to zero and rearranging, one obtains


If exp(s0/R) is defined as the relative pressure Pr, then the above equation becomes

      (P2/P1)s = constant = Pr2/Pr1

Values of relative pressure are tabulated against temperature in tables.


Using vr Data to Determine
Final Temperature during an
Isentropic Process

Ideal Gas Properties Table -- Air


In an automotive engine, the ratio v2/ v1 is used instead of the ratio P2/ P1. The ideal-gas relation gives

      v2/ v1 = T2P1/T1P2

Replacing P2/P1 by Pr2/Pr1 in the above equation gives


T/Pr is defined as relative specific volume vr and its value is also tabulated with temperature. Thus,

      (v2/v1)s = constant = vr2/ vr1

    Isentropic Processes for an Incompressible Fluid or Solid

Isentropic Process of an
Incompressible Substance is
also Isothermal


The entropy change of incompressible fluids or solids during a process 1-2 with constant specific heats is

      Δs = caveln(T2/T1)

Setting Δs to zero gives

      T2 = T1

That is, an isentropic process of an incompressible substance is also isothermal.