

    Solution of a)

Problem Diagram

Rotation and Translation Related


As with all dynamics problems, first start with a detailed diagram showing all forces and accelerations involved ( shown at the left).

Summing the forces acting on the spool give

    ΣFx => fA = max

    ΣFy => NA - mg = 0

Since the spool rotates about its center of gravity, the moments are summed at the center, giving

    ΣMcg => fAr = Icg α

There are four unknowns (fA, ax, NA, α) but only three equations. Thus, to complete the solution, a fourth equation must be derived that relates the acceleration of the spool's center of gravity to the angular acceleration.

Because the spool does not slip, the acceleration of point A can be related to the acceleration of the cg point,

     acg = aA + acg/A


Acceleration Vectors for
Link Between Points cg and A

     acg-xi + 0j = [aA-xi + aA-y j] + [acg-xi - acg-y j]

     axi + 0j = [atrucki + ω2r j] + [α r i - ω2r j]

Equating i terms give

     ax = atruck - rα

There are now four equations to solve for the four unknowns (fA, ax, NA, α). Combining gives two equations,

     (max) r = Icgα
     ax = atruck - rα

Reducing to one equation,

     mr (atruck - rα) = Icgα


     α = m r atruck / [Icg + mr2]
        = 140 (0.5) (1) / [17.5 + 140 (0.5)2]
        = 1.333 rad/s2


      ax = atruck - rα = 1 - 0.5(1.333) = 0.3333 m/s

Thus, the spool accelerates to in the same direction as the truck acceleration even though it rolls backwards with an angular acceleration of 1.333 rad/s2.

    Solution of b)

Position Diagram

Linear Acceleration Direction


To determine the time it takes for the spool to reach the end of the truck, it helps to draw a diagram of the spool at the end of the truck.

From the diagram, when the spool reaches the end of the truck, the following relationship is true,

     xtruck - 3.5 m = xcg

Use the acceleration of the center of gravity of the spool and the acceleration of the truck to integrate to find xcg and xtruck,

     xcg(t) = 0.167 t2

     xtruck(t) = 1/2 t2

Substituting the expressions for xcg and xtruck, gives

     1/2 t2 - 3.5 = 0.167 t2

Solving for t,

     t = 3.24 s

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