
Beam Loading
The deflection at the tip of the equipment can be determined by integrating
the basic distributed load equation four times. There are actually
four equations, one for each half since the load and beam structure
differ in each section. A total of eight boundary conditions will be needed
to solve the four integration constants for both equations.
Free-Body Diagram

Free-Body Diagram
To help determine beam sections and boundary conditions, a free-body diagram
should be constructed. Each change in beam geometry and load requires a new beam
section and deflection equation. For this cantilever beam, there will be two
sections, one from point A to B and a second section from point B to C.
The uniform distributed load on the left part of the beam is
w = (0.04 N/mm2)(12 mm) = 0.48 N/mm
The actual values of the reactions do not need to be determined which is one
of the advantages of this method.
Beam Properties
The moment of inertia
using the equation for a rectangular cross section gives,
I1 = 12(3)3/12 = 27.0 mm4
I2 = 16(5)3/12 = 166.7
The material stiffness, E, is given as
E = 200 GPa = 200×109 N/m2 (1 m/1000 mm)2
= 200,000 N/mm2
Integrating the Load-Deflection Equations
The deflection of any beam can be found by integrating the basic load-deflection
differential equation,
EIv´´´´ = -w(x)
for each beam section.
Section 1 (from point A to B)
The load function w1(x) is the actual uniform distributed load of 0.48 N/mm
EIv1´´´´ = -0.48 N/mm
EIv1´´´ = -0.48x + C1 =>
EIv1´´ = -0.24x2 + C1 x
+ C2 => M1
EIv1´ = -0.08x3 + C1 x2/2
+ C2 x + C3
EIv1 = -0.02x4 + C1 x3/6
+ C2 x2/2 + C3 x + C4
Note that EIv´´´ is the shear and EIv´´ is the
moment. This will be needed when applying the boundary conditions.
Section 2 (from point B to C)
Section 2 is similar to section 1 except there is no uniform load. Thus, w2(x)
is just 0.
EIv2´´´´ =
0 N/mm
EIv2´´´ = C5 => V2
EIv2´´ = C5 x
+ C6 => M2
EIv2´ = C5 x2/2
+ C6 x + C7
EIv2 = C5 x3/6
+ C6 x2/2 + C7 x + C8
Boundary Conditions

Eight Boundary Conditions |
There are eight constants of integrating that need to be defined. This requires
eight boundary conditions.
The first two conditions are due to the fixed joint at the right end.
This requires both the deflections, v, and the slope, v´, to be zero. These
are listed in the table at the left as conditions 1) and 2).
The next two conditions are due to continuity between beam sections 1 and 2.
Since the beam is continuous, the beam deflection and slope on either side
of the joint must be equal.
Conditions 5 and 6 are from the free end which cannot have any shear or moment.
And finally, similar to slope and deflection, the shear and moment need
to be the same between beam sections 1 and 2. The shear is the the same since
there is no point load at the joint. Likewise, the moment is the same since there
is no applied point moment at the joint.
Determining Constants
With the eight boundary conditions defined, eight equations can now be constructed.
Generally, boundary conditions can be applied so that only one constant is present
in a given equation. However, sometimes two or three equations will need to be
solved simultaneously.
Boundary Condition 5) V1 = 0 at x = 0 mm
0 = -0.48(0) + C1
C1 = 0
Boundary Condition 6) M1 = 0 at x = 0 mm
0 = -0.24(0) + C1 (0) + C2
C2 = 0
Boundary Condition 7) V1 = V2 at x =
50 mm
-0.48x + C1 = C5
-0.48(50) + 0 = C5
C5 = -24 N
Boundary Condition 8) M1 = M2 at x =
50 mm
-0.24x2 + C1x + C2 =
C5x + C6
-0.24(50)2 + 0 + 0 = 24(50) + C6
-600 = -1,200 + C6
C6 = 600 N-mm
Boundary Condition 2) v´2 = 0 at x = 100 mm
33.33×106 v´2 = -24x2/2
+ 600x + C7
33.33×106 (0) = -12(100)2 +
600(100) + C7
C7 = 60,000 N-mm2
Boundary Condition 1) v2 = 0 at x = 100 mm
33.33×106 v2 = C5x3/6
+ C6x2/2
+ C7x + C8
33.33×106 (0) = -4(100)3 +
60,000(100) + C8
C8 = -5.0×106 N-mm3
Boundary Condition 4) v´1 = v´2 at x =
50 mm

C3 = 19,720 N-mm2
Boundary Condition 3) v1 = v2 at x = 50 mm

C4 = -1,145,000 N-mm3
Final Deflection Equations

Final Deflection Curve |
The final deflection equations for both beam sections are
v1 = -3.704×10-9x4 +
0.003652x - 0.2119 mm
v2 = -1.2×10-7x3 +
9.0×10-6x2 + 0.0018x
- 0.15 mm
The maximum deflection at the tip (x = 0) is
vx=0 = -0.2119 mm
This is the same (within rounding error) of the
previous solution.