

3-D Vector Components   

3-D Vector Components

  Cartesian Components


Recall, from the previous section, a vector in the x-y plane in can be written in Cartesian notation as,

     F = Fxi + Fyj

Here i and j are unit vectors in the x and y directions. Likewise, a vector can be written in the three dimensional x-y-z space in Cartesian form,

     F = Fxi + Fyj + Fzk

The new component, k is the unit vector in the z direction. The components Fx, Fy, and Fz can be determined from the magnitude and direction of F,

     Fx = F cosθx
     Fy = F cosθy
     Fz = F cosθz

The angle θi is the angle that F makes with the i axis as shown in the diagram at the top left.


Right Hand Coordinate System
  Right-handed Coordinate System


The order of the x-y-z coordinates does matter. If the three coordinates are aligned so that the thumb is in the x-direction when the first finger is in the y-direction and the second finger is in the z-direction, then it is called a right-handed coordinate system. Otherwise, it would be a left-handed coordinate system. Engineering always uses right-handed coordinate system. There is nothing wrong with a left-handed system, but all books, equations and technical papers use a right-handed system for convention.

    Vector Addition

Direction Cosines



Addition of 3-D vectors is the same as for 2-D except that three components must be added instead of two. If two vectors F1 and F2 exist, then the addition of F1 and F2 is,

     FR = F1+ F2

     FR = (F1x + F2x)i + (F1y + F2y)j + (F1z + F2z)k

The magnitude of the resultant vector is determined by applying the Pythagorean theorem,

     FR = ( FRx2 + FRy2 + FRz2 )0.5

The direction cosines are useful in some problems to identify each direction component. They are given as,

     cosθx = FRx /FR
     cosθy = FRy /FR
     cosθz = FRz /FR

    3D Unit Vector

3-D Unit Vector   

General unit vectors can be determined in 3D using the definition of unit vectors, as

     uF = F/F

Substituting vector notation and magnitude for F, gives


This relationship is useful when the direction of the vector is needed.

    Position Vectors

Position Vector

In statics, force and moment vectors are the most commonly but many times a position vector is needed to help determine the direction of the force or moment vector. Position vectors are the same as all vectors, but they describe direction and distance,

     r = xi + yj + zk

where x, y, and z are distances (scalars). Generally, position vectors are determined by its two end points, giving

     r = (xB - xA)i + (yB - yA)j + (zB - zA)k

The directional unit vector for a position vector is

   ur = r/|r


Spherical Angles Diagram  

Spherical Coordinate Angles

  Spherical Coordinate Angles


If the direction of the vector is defined by the two angles θ and φ, (shown at the left) as is commonly done in spherical coordinate systems, then the components are given by

     Fx = F sinφ cosθ
     Fy = F sinφ sinθ
     Fz = F cosφ

The spherical angles θ and φ are given by,

     φ = cos-1 FRz /FR

     θ = sin-1 FRy /(FR sinφ)
      = cos-1 FRx /(FR sinφ)

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