


Many times, the motion of an object is specified by an acceleration that is constant with time. For example, an object that falls for a short distance in the earth's (or any other planet's) atmosphere experiences a constant acceleration. That constant is written as, ao,

     a = dv/dt = ao = constant

By integrating, the velocity can be determined as a function of the acceleration and time, giving


v(t) = vo + ao (t - to)

Next, the velocity can be integrated to express the position as a function of the acceleration and time, giving,


x(t) = xo + vo (t - to) + ao (t - to)2 / 2

Using the chain rule, the acceleration can be expressed as


This relationship can be integrated to express the velocity as a function of the acceleration and position.


v2 = vo2 + 2 ao (x - xo)

It should be stressed that above equations are only valid when the acceleration is expressed as a constant.

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